It Takes a Village

Everyone knows about the major players in animal welfare; law enforcement, veterinarians and of course the rescue organization, but what about the unsung heroes?  Those people that you cross paths with either by chance or fate that are just as important in the rescuing effort.

For us, we have been very fortunate to meet many people along our rescuing journey that have opened their heart to our mission and have embraced our work.  They have been people like James A. Ruggiero of James A. Ruggiero design, who generously donated his time to create the plans for our Raise the Roof expansion project, to the contractor that is willing to raise the roof so that we are able to save more draft horses.

It is important as an organization to realize that we are not able to carry out our mission alone.  It takes people in the community and those that we have not even met yet to help us.  As we embark on our Raise the Roof campaign, it will take everyone to come together to make the expansion a reality.  We know that the campaign is an ambitious undertaking, but we are confident that we can come together to make it happen.