Surviving the blizzard of 2022
Just like everyone else in Western New York, the blizzard of 2022 affected Roanchar Ranch Draft Horse Rescue. With two older horses and another who has neurological issues, the name of the game was to provide each of them with a constant supply of hay. The digestion process in horses is how they are able to maintain their body temperature, even in the worst of conditions.
Our days included checking on the horses every four hours and making sure that each of them had ample amounts of hay. In addition, we kept their water topped off and provided salt so that they would drink. It is just as important that the horses drink enough so that they don’t end up colicing.
The horrible “C” word
For any horse owner, the word colic strikes fear. While the word refers to abdominal pain, it covers abdominal and intestinal problems ranging from simple excess gas in the intestines to severe torsion or twisting of the intestines.
Approximately 10 percent of all horses suffer at least one bout of colic during their lifetimes. And a little more than 6 percent of those die, nearly twice as many horses as are affected by other diseases or injuries.
While some horses are prone to colic, for others prevention includes routine feeding of quality hay, access to clean water, and plenty of exercise.
Shelter is key
With wind gusts over 60 mph, providing the horses with adequate shelter was imperative. It took about half a day for the herd that included Louie to develop a formation where everyone was comfortable eating.

Lessons Learned
While we made it through one of the worst storms the area has seen in decades, we know that we may not be as fortunate next time without making some changes.
It has become apparent that we have finally outgrown our current barn and that we need to build a new one. This year, our 10th anniversary, we will start the process of developing an expansion plan.