The Winds of Change
The winds from the blizzard of 2022 not only brought in frigid temperatures but the reality that the rescue had outgrown its facility. As the winds howled, we watched the horses rotate who would be allowed in the shelter. We knew that something needed to change for the next winter.
To properly protect all the horses from the elements, a plan needed to be developed. Building a new barn was far too costly so we did the next best thing. We devised a plan to double the livable space for the horses and make the overall structure more weather and wind resistant.
The End Result
A 648-square-foot lean-to was built. It includes a large opening that allows air circulation in the summer and protection from the wind in the winter by inserting a framed window. In addition, the wind side of the barn was covered in metal siding. This protects the horses from the wind and increases our hay capacity by allowing us to use the first floor of the barn for hay storage.

Horse Approved
It took a few days for everyone to become accustomed to the new accommodations, but everyone is now enjoying it. There is now plenty of room for everyone to stay out of the elements and enjoy a meal.

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